4 Ways to Reset When You’re Mentally Drained
Yes, I’ve been away for quite a while and I’m sure you know why. It has been a whirlwind of emotions for days now and between the protests, constant news stories and information overload from social media…I’m tired and I know some of you out there are too. I want everyone to know that it’s okay to take a break every few days just to reset.
My blog is about to take a bit of a turn now while I begin to focus more on self-care/self-love, and mindful living. Of course, I’ll still talk about fashion and skincare, but it just may not be as often as before. Today I’ll be talking about ways you can reset if your mental battery is drained. I know my battery has been drained for the last two weeks with all the rollercoaster of emotions and I’m just now getting back to somewhat normal. So, keep reading if you want to know some ways to reset every so often with all that is going on.
Social Media Break
This is probably the most obvious out of all of my suggestions because that seems to be where most information is coming from right now. I’m definitely not saying completely get off of your platforms, but there should be multiple breaks throughout the day. If you need to, set a timer on your phone or give yourself a certain time every day to just not be on your phone. I personally set aside a few hours from social media and the news these days because I get ALL the way sucked in. Sometimes a day away from the socials may be necessary too, especially if you’re an influencer or content creator.
Get into Some Yoga/Meditation
I’ve been practicing Yoga for a few years now and it is one of the only things that manages to keep me centered. I like to start my day with yoga so that my intention for the rest of the day has already been set. I’ve also practiced some meditation here and there but it still kind of scares me just a little bit. When I do get into some meditation, I will play some 528Hz music which you can find all over YouTube. The music plays at a frequency of 528 Hertz (obviously) and it’s supposed to heal you from the inside out. In fact, there is evidence this frequency is used to repair damaged DNA cells. I will have an article linked at the bottom of this post. Since I’m not quite there yet and maybe you aren’t either, I stick to Yoga. To be more specific, I do Vinyasa Yoga for strengthening and breathing techniques but there are many different types that are just as relaxing.
Write Out Your Woes
Brain dumping and/or journaling is a great way to let out frustration, sadness, and any racing thoughts. This is probably my favorite way to reset because I find that it’s the fastest and most effective way to figure out why I feel the way I do. Whenever brain dumping, I usually end up brainstorming new ideas and blog posts after I’ve let out all of my worries and/or frustrations. I often handwrite in a notebook whenever I do journal because it just feels so much better than typing it on my phone or computer. However, if all I have is my phone, you better believe I brain dump in my Notes app.
Get Creative
Since the beginning of quarantine, I’ve gotten back into sewing and drawing again. I started sewing up face masks for my family and me and it just kind of spiraled a little into sewing a dress or upcycling a t-shirt. It’s really easy to get sucked into a creative outlet – your mind just wanders and daydreams. As of last week, I also got back into crocheting and I’m really feeling it right now – I ended up crocheting a mask that I can wear in the wintertime. Out of all of these suggestions, I recommend getting creative because you can always look back on it and evoke how you felt when you were making it. Also, if you happen to be or get really good at something, you can sell it to those who might be interested.
I hope this really helped someone out there who may be struggling with the effects of the new C-word as well as all of the…well racism. It’s all very chaotic and incredibly draining. And it’s okay to take a break from it all every now and then. In order to stay up, you have to give yourself permission to rest and take a step back. Thanks for reading,