Lifestyle,  simplicity

5 Ways to Get Through a Creative Block

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Around this time last month, I talked a little bit about my writer’s block and the whole sparking productivity thing. Even then I was seriously struggling with my block and was doing my best to try and work through it…I think I was kind of successful. In this post, I want to talk about how I kind of cured a creative block or at the very least, what to do when you may have a block. I’ve been loving my listing blog posts (listicles?) because they’re easier to write out AND you guys know what to expect before you even read the post. Keep reading if you’ve been liking my last few blog posts and maybe even leave a comment!


Try Something New

When I was deep into my writer’s block during the winter months, I basically taught myself how to draw. (I had some minimal training in college…nothing crazy though.) I felt like since I couldn’t get any of my posts up due to the block, I figured learning how to do something else may help me out. I think I did this for about a month and I did eventually get some posts up but I was REALLY focused on drawing during that time. My drawing improved really quickly too because I was doing it every day for hours.

Work on a Hobby

At some point in the past, we picked up a hobby that we probably got bored of pretty quickly. I think most have learned how to crochet or knit. I started to make jewelry a few years back and even sold some pieces on Etsy. I actually wouldn’t mind improving my skills later on in life either. Try finishing that scarf you started a few years ago or paint that unfinished painting in your storage.


Work in Your Planner/Journal 

Brain dumping is honestly one of the most cathartic things that I do next to yoga. I prefer to hand write my brain dumps because the physical act actually helps me to release my thoughts. Getting those to do lists and grocery lists written down can seriously clear up some headspace. Get to writing, even if its not a blog post.

Clean up Your Surroundings (or at least make up your bed) 

My room has been a work in progress for quite some time now. Recently, I started to really do some deep decluttering and organizing. When all of my clothes are folded and my floor is vacuumed, I’m just in an overall better mood and headspace. I should probably keep at it now that I’m writing this down…


Find Your Time

There’s always this sweet spot during the day where everything just flows for no reason at all. I know for sure that late afternoon (3pm – 6pm) is just not a good time for me to get things done. Surprisingly enough, the early mornings are when I’m probably the most productive as long as I’ve had a restful night. Also, late at night (9pm-10pm) is when I get that flow back. I actually love working into the night…as long as I don’t have work in the morning.

I hate when I have a creative block because I literally feel like I can’t get anything done. I have done all of the tips above and they do typically help. They even manage to spark new blog posts and ideas for the future.

What are some ways you get past a creative block?

As always,


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