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Writer’s Block & Sparking Productivity

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I’ve been a little stuck about what to write about lately. I guess you could say that I have a little bit of writer’s block. Oddly enough, this sparked a conversation that sparked a blog post. Productivity is something that can’t be forced and that’s exactly what I’ve been trying to do – force a blog post. In the past, I have tried to work through writer’s block but I usually just end up posting crap. This usually creates a cycle of me posting nothing even when I want to post something. Don’t worry, this isn’t a post about my writer’s block because that would be boring. Nope, this post is about doing things more naturally. Some weeks, I may just not post anything simply because I don’t want to give you guys anything that is half-assed. I’m actually pretty torn about this to be completely honest.


Anyway, you’ve probably seen countless posts on blogs, Instagram, and Twitter about how to be more productive or increase productivity at some point. Almost always, the tips that are mentioned are awesome and even something you may try out.

For instance, one of my “resolutions” this year was to wake up earlier because apparently that increases productivity. For me, I just end up being pretty tired and crashing as soon as I got home. I would even sometimes press the snooze button and wake up 15 or 20 min later. Waking up earlier didn’t exactly work for me, but waking up without an alarm (naturally) seems to work better. This could be because of restless sleep, not going to sleep early enough or the time that I reached R.E.M.


What I’m really trying to say is that each individual person works differently and becomes productive in different ways. There is no one-size-fits-all way. While one may be terrible at multi-tasking, someone else may be great at it…yet they say that as a society we should start mono-tasking. The thing is, there are people that don’t do well focusing on just one task at a time.


I think my point has been made and I believe we should start curating our lives based off of what comes naturally and not what some infographic on Instagram tells us. We have to figure out what sparks our productivity – for me, (when it comes to blog posts) having intellectual conversations sparks my flow. Of course, there are probably more things that will get my creative and productive juices going, but I just have to find them and make sure it comes naturally to me.

Thanks for reading,


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