
5 Things That Happen When You Live Simply

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  1. You start to declutter regularly

Ok so this is a no brainer, but this isn’t just a materialistic thing…it’s also a mindset as well.


  1. You develop routines

You’re just kind of naturally going to fall into routines whether it’s a skincare, hair care, cleaning or even a morning routine.

  1. You become happier (in my opinion)

Lesser things tend to bother you and you tend to stress less and less


  1. The way you organize changes

Most people I’ve seen who live simply (or minimally) tend to have open storage – floating shelves, clothing racks, and basically anything you can see (no lid or door)


  1. You get your mind right

What I mean by this is, your thinking becomes simple and you become less forgetful.


What are some things that happened when you started to live simply?



  • JD

    The best thing it did for me was show me what I actually value and helped with knowing myself and what makes me happy. It also showed me what I don’t value and so I got rid of all those things. It helps me live a more intentional life where everything matters.

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