Fashion,  Slow Fashion

Adding Color to My Wardrobe

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So, I wasn’t kidding when I said I was going to start incorporating color into my wardrobe. I will be honest, though, I am/was a little nervous about doing so, because I really want to wear the clothing that I purchase. Of course, I can just wear it, but I also want it to look good on me as well!

Yesterday, I did a little shopping and it took me at least an hour to figure out what I was going to get. I waltzed (as usual) into Madewell and saw so many freaking cute things. I felt as if I walked into a human-sized trap. Initially, I was going to get some jeans, but I figured that those could wait until I figured out my color palette as well as pieces that I would like to have in my wardrobe. That seems a little backward right? It is….that’s just how I think occasionally.

After, much deliberation and help from my father (so I don’t buy random things), I managed to come out of Madewell with two shirts and an idea of what my color palette may look like.

color palette.png

These are the colors that I think I would be happy with in my closet. I’m most definitely already sold on the dusty pink and the white because I already have those colors in my closet. However, I never thought of wearing olive green in the warmer months, but they usually put out a more muted, pastel olive green that works pretty well. Speaking of muted colors, that coral is supposed to be more of a pastel coral, which I will visually explain in a bit.

Obviously, I don’t mind adding any other colors to my wardrobe, but I don’t want to go overboard and end up never wearing them.

Now, as far as style goes, I’d like to keep that somewhat the same…slightly edgy. Classic Rocker Chic to be exact. To be completely honest, I’m trying to avoid being too Bohemian as well as too Preppy which is easy to do in the warmer seasons. Although, since my style has a bit of edginess to it, I don’t mind slipping a little bit into a Boho-esque look.

I don’t know if anybody is reading this and thinking “who puts this much thought into buying clothes?!” Me! I do! My thought process of purchasing clothes is almost cathartic and once the shopping process is all done it’s all ease from there.

Anyway! Let me show you the shirts that I bought!


I’m finally putting my mannequin to good use right? Well, this is one of the tops that I bought that I think really suits me and my capsule. I can wear this with jeans both black and white and maybe a denim skirt if I ever get one. Also, this was the muted coral color I was talking about. I especially like it because it somehow makes my skin tone pop. As I was purchasing this, I was nervous as to how it was going to look and already had plans to return it. Not anymore!


Okay, so this was the pastel olive green I was talking about. I pretty much knew how this was going to fit and look. I adore muscle tees for the warmer months and I feel like I need more! I can pair this with joggers, a skirt, a leather jacket, jeans and shorts of course. Nice and versatile just the way I like.

So, this is what I have so far. I’ll be sure to write another blog post when I add some other pieces later in the season. Who would have thought, I’d add color to my wardrobe?! I’m excited about this season for once and can’t wait to see how it plays out.

Thanks for reading.


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